Author: Ali B.
Publisher: Dewey Larson
Pages: 161
Release Date: July 30th, 2014
Publisher: Dewey Larson
Pages: 161
Release Date: July 30th, 2014
Source: Received from the author in exchange for an honest review.
There are people out there who don’t die with their bodies. Their souls live on in the bodies of others. Some good, some bad—they are soul jumpers.
Nothing in Iris Brave’s world make sense anymore. Her father, Micah, is still alive—his soul survives in the body of a teenage boy.
It is up to Iris and a group of soul jumpers called the Sixteen to save Micah. To do so Iris must take on the unscrupulous leaders of the Council. Can she save her father? Will she survive?
This is the second book in the Soul Jumpers Series, and so far my favorite of the two that are out. While I have commented before on how short these books are, overall I have enjoyed them. Iris is a fairly likable character, and The Sixteen does answer a lot of questions from the first book. If you're not a cliffhanger person, I would recommend maybe waiting until a few of these are out so you don't have to sit in suspense for so long, but I think there is a lot of potential here.
In this story, we get to see a bit more of the inner workings of the Sixteen and the Council. Plot twists didn't feel too predictable, which is always nice, and Iris felt her age, yet did seem to develop a little as the book went on. I liked some of the new characters, like Lewis, and found the story easy to read in one sitting. While these books are aimed at a younger market, I think it was a nice series to pick up if you're older but just looking for some lighter reading material.
While I can't comment much more on the story without getting into spoiler territory, I will probably keep this series on my radar. It's unique, engaging, and entertaining. The only real flaw is the books are all so short! Oh well, can't win them all.